Ok, so I'm a slacker with the whole blog thing!! I seem to not be able to think of anything, especially when I directly try to think of something to blog on!
Ok, so obviously this blog is going to be dedicated to Thanksgiving! So I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving, remembering to thank God for everyone and everything you love!
Thank you heavenly father, for the loving, amazing earthly family you've placed me in the middle of.
Thank you my best friend, for the friends I share so much of my life with.
Thank you Lord, for the gorgeous mountains, burning gold wheat fields that sway in the so-often-seen wind in Kansas, for the beautiful moonlit ocean in Florida.
Thank you God, for the time you've given me to play video games with my little brothers, getting to know them and being "in their zone".
Thank you Lord, for the spiritual leaders you have placed and continue to keep in my life so that I may be challenged and strengthened in my faith in you.
Thank you God, for a mother who listens to my every thought, worry and complaint.
Thank you Lord, for a father who cares about his family so much that he would work diligently everyday just to keep us happy.
Thank you God, for a country where we might celebrate and worship you freely.
Thank you Lord, for Freedom and Liberty.
Thank you God for a sister to sing off key with to our favorite songs.
Thank you God for love, peace and joy.
Thank you Lord, for grandparents who love and spoil me :-)
Thank you God for every little child I get the chance to love, encourage and guide.
Thank you Lord, for music that brings your glorious righteous person to the front of our minds.
Thank you God, for a roof over our heads and food on our table daily.
Thank you Lord, for hearing me out whenever I turn to you.
Thank you God, for your love letter to us.
Thank you Lord for your unconditional love.
Thank you God, for sending your only son, to die for fallen man that we might one day live in heaven with you forever.
Thank you Lord, for giving every one of us the chance to have a personal relationship with you.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
Posted by Kelsey Jo at 7:49 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Politics are everywhere!
Hello again! I'd like to inform you that when reading my blog you will VERY rarely come across any blogs that have anything to do with Politics. Partly because I just don't get that jazzed about politics, and partly because I rarely put my thoughts on politics into any kind of outward expression. But, with the date of the presidential election looming before us and politics on every news channel, every day, no matter what time you tune in, I thought I might as well do just one to get into the mood that everyone else in America seems to be in right now.
I'm not voting this year, but I'm sure it will shock you to hear that I am very much hoping that John McCain and Sarah Palin win this one. And no, it's not because I have a problem with the color of Obama's skin or because I'm close minded. Granted I have not done very much research into our candidates this year (or any year yet :-P), but from what I can tell, the only reasonable, logical choice for president this year is John McCain. I very much admire the fact that he has fought and suffered for his country. It tells me that he obviously cares very much for the things the country stands for, enough to die for them. From what my mother says (I am depending on her knowledge for this one) that he also is experienced in the subject of National Security, which seems pretty important, :-P. I also know that he has a good reputation of sticking to his guns on his Pro-life stance, which is becoming increasingly difficult to do without facing ridicule and pressure from nearly all around you. And I also respect his VP candidate. Shock! I must be against women's rights! Ah, no. I'm very much for them, as long as they don't include taking rights away from other unborn human beings, which is basically the only "Women's Right" I've heard about lately.
The other option this year, Barrack Obama. A positive thing I've heard for him, he's for change. Our country does need some change I think, but I honestly can't figure out what change he's suggesting. I don't know if he's ever said, which I find a little odd. If he is so passionate about giving us change, doesn't he want to talk about it enough to tell us WHAT he wants to change?
There are quite a few negative things I've heard while watching Fox News in our house lately. A couple things are,(1) the (what seems to be) never ending list of bad connections he's had in his life and continues to have. As my grandma put it recently, "Bill Ayers (a unrepentant domestic terrorist), Farrakhan (lunatic and leader of the Nation of Islam), Rev. Wright (his pastor who is a disciple for Black Liberation Theology) to name some prominent associations." I don't know about you, but this troubles me that he would associate with these people. (2) His platform seems to lean heavily to Socialism, which from what I've learned about in history hasn't proved to be a great system for anybody. Not to mention it would slowly start to take away our right to freedom we pride ourselves for here in the United States.
I'm not informed enough on either candidates to say any more on this subject, but I was sitting here thinking today about what to blog about and Politics seemed to not want to leave my mind! You may never see another political blog again on this page but now you can't say I never tried, :).
Posted by Kelsey Jo at 3:49 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
ACT's, Colleges, stress...what was I doing?
Hello again! Thanks to those of you who commented, it's great to hear encouraging words! And now be prepared for a semi-vent, semi-grateful revelation.
So I've just turned 17! And I'm a junior in High School this year, something I'm not fully resigned to but I'm getting there. For some reason I sometimes hate to think I'm actually growing up, which is crazy because most teenagers can't wait till the day they get to get out on their own away from their childhood home (or in my case homeS). But personally I think it's mostly the weight of total responsibility that is finally beginning to weigh on my mind. I've never actually been totally responsible for myself, because my parents are awesome basically, haha. I've never wanted for anything that I can remember, unless you count my life-long dream of them presenting me with a pony ;-).
But as my mind begins to adjust to the thought of actually being out on my own, I'm warming to it of course, the weight is lessening, mostly because of the daily praying that's been taken place about just that fact. It's also been forcing me to think about HOW I'm going to start taking care of myself, i.e. what career I'm going to pursue.
My Brain:
Where am I going to go? What am I even good at? How the heck am I ever going to pay for a good education? How am I ever going to find a good enough job to support myself? Where am I going to live? What am I going to major in? Can I even pass the ACT's?
My mind literally didn't want to stop for a while. I hadn't answered one question before I thought of another one.And all I could think of was how I didn't think I'd ever be able to accomplish what I needed to accomplish to be successful in my life, (and all this before I'd even turned 17). After juggling ideas and stressing till I wanted to pull my hair out, my mom finally hit me with something. She reminded me that as long as I earnestly seeking after God's will, then I'm doing what I'm supposed to.
My dad has told all five of us for...pretty much as long as I can remember to always "pursue our passions". Pursue something we enjoy doing, that would never get mundane to us, what we're truly passionate about. God has blessed me in that what I'm passionate about and enjoy is also what I feel I'm good at. At least better at than other things. Working with kids and English. The first one I'm not really good at, I just enjoy it. I'm never uncomfortable working with kids, which is rare for me. I can usually find at least one thing to make myself uncomfortable :-P. I don't care who I have to talk to or what I have to do, if it has something to do with taking care of or interacting with kids I'm totally at ease and I have a lot of fun.
English, ahh English! Definitely something I'm passionate about! Anything English, literature, writing related is my ultimate comfort zone.
A few weeks ago, a light bulb goes off. If what I'm passionate about is also what I'm good at, maybe that's God way of telling me His will. He created me, gave me my personality, my likes and dislikes, everything I excel at is only because of Him. So maybe that's what I should pursue in my life. Heeeeyyy, that actually makes sense. BIG "duh" moment for me.
I can not even begin to tell you the relief and feeling of peace that has somewhat assailed me. I'm suddenly reminded that God knows what's going to happen in my life, and knows how it's going to happen, so I don't have to worry about it. I think one of my life verses has become, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:33-34. It's so amazing for me to think that I have someone watching out for me that cares about every little detail of my life, that knows what I need and will provide it. I have a pretty easy assignment, don't worry about what will happen, lean on God, follow what he tells you, and he'll take care of everything. As long as I display Christ , lift him up in my life, I feel like I'm right where I'm supposed to be. Isn't that incredible?
Thanks for reading through this long rant-like blog!
Posted by Kelsey Jo at 3:05 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
First Blog Ever
Hello! So this is my first blog ever! I set this up because, well I love to write, anything really, so I thought this would be fun. Also, after reading through my mom's and learning my sister even set one up, I decided I'd better check it out!
I'm going to treat this post as somewhat of a intro, till I have something exciting to write about.
I'm Kelsey, I'm a Junior, my whole life is guided by Jesus Christ my savior, if I didn't have him I'd fall apart. I love to read pretty much anything you throw at me. But I'm especially partial to Jane Austen, Liz Curtis Higgs, Lori Wick, and Peter Pan. I also enjoy writing, but so far I've only gotten the courage up to show any of my stuff to my best friend, out in KS.
I watch way too many movies, but I very much enjoy them, especially romantic comedies, or period films.
I spend a lot of time listening to music, and lately I'm in love with Leeland.
I'm the oldest of 5 kids, all of which are pretty different, and I can honestly say life is rarely dull.
My parents are definitely a big part of my life, and I am thankful everyday for their awesome examples.
I'm happily homeschooled, have been forever.
Ok! Well, I'll write about something a lot more interesting next time. I've added a video, which is the song my Blog Title came from. Really pay attention to the lyrics and I hope it somewhat brightens your day! :)
Posted by Kelsey Jo at 10:26 PM 2 comments